One on One Organizing

Are you serious about changing your life?

Embarking on a one-on-one coaching program to enhance organization in both your grooming business and personal life is a transformative investment that can significantly impact your overall well-being and success. By enrolling in this tailored coaching experience, you gain access to personalized guidance aimed at identifying and addressing specific challenges unique to your situation. The program provides a structured framework to set and achieve meaningful goals, streamline business processes, and establish effective time management strategies. Beyond the business realm, it delves into creating a harmonious work-life balance and implementing organization techniques for your home life. This coaching journey empowers you with the tools to optimize daily operations, improve communication within your team, and foster a sustainable, organized approach to both professional and personal responsibilities. As your dedicated coach, I am committed to guiding you on a path toward increased efficiency, reduced stress, and long-term success in both business and life. Take the step towards a more organized and fulfilling life by signing up for this transformative coaching program today.

What the program looks like:

My one-on-one coaching sessions are designed to help you achieve better organization and balance in both your business and personal life. Through a personalized approach, I will address specific challenges, provide practical solutions, and guide you towards creating systems that lead to increased efficiency and overall well-being.

Program Structure:

Session 1: Goal Setting and Priority Management

  • Identifying short-term and long-term goals for your business and personal life
  • Establishing priorities to ensure focus on key objectives
  • Introduction to time management techniques for improved productivity

Session 2: Business Process Optimization

  • Reviewing current business processes and workflow
  • Implementing systems to streamline daily operations
  • Identifying and eliminating inefficiencies 

Session 3: Personal Time Management and Work-Life Balance

  • Assessing your current work-life balance
  • Creating a personalized schedule that accommodates business and personal priorities
  • Implementing self-care practices to avoid burnout

Session 4: Personal Organization and Space Management

  • Organizing your personal space for increased efficiency and clarity
  • Implementing techniques to declutter both physical and digital environments
  • Creating a conducive work environment for enhanced focus and creativity

Session 5: Communication and Team Collaboration

  • Improving communication strategies within your business
  • Building a cohesive team for better collaboration
  • Implementing tools for effective communication and project management

Session 6: Sustainable Systems and Continuous Improvement

  • Developing sustainable organizational systems for ongoing success
  • Implementing feedback loops for continuous improvement
  • Creating a plan for adapting to future challenges and opportunities


Our one-on-one coaching program consists of six sessions, each lasting approximately 1 hour. The total investment for the entire program is $1,500. 

Additional Benefits:

  • Email Support: Throughout the program, you will have access to email support for quick questions and clarifications.
  • Customized Resources: Tailored templates, guides, and resources to support the implementation of organizational strategies discussed during the sessions.
  • Follow-up Session: A complimentary follow-up session one month after the program concludes to address any additional questions or concerns.

How to Get Started:

  1. Initial Consultation: Schedule a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your organizational challenges and goals. Simply click the button below and send an email letting me know you are interested and we will schedule a time that works best to do a 30 minute video chat.

  2. Program Enrollment: Once you decide to proceed, payment for the entire program is required to be paid upfront. 

  3. Scheduling Sessions: We will work together to schedule convenient times for each coaching session.

  4. Program Commencement: The coaching program will commence, providing you with actionable insights and strategies for enhanced organization in both your business and personal life.


Not sure you need the entire program?

Maybe you only have one or two areas of your business that you feel are out of control?  A smaller version of the above course is available and can be discussed on an individual basis.  Click the button below and send an email letting me know what issues you are having and we can work together to come up with a plan for help!